Audit and Assurance

In a global world, characterized by extensive regulation, increased complexities, and complete integration of information technology with value chain processes, businesses face many challenges. Competing goals and conflict of interest are evident in today business. Our assurance services take the audit from a strategic, integrated approach and consider both audit risks and business risks when planning our engagements. We focus on adding credibility to and improving the quality of information used by stakeholders. 

Audit and Assurance services include:

External audit: We offer statutory audits of financial statements as per IFRSs or as per US GAAP, reviews of financial statements, agreed-upon procedures, service organization attestation, and special audits. Our integrative approach to carrying audits is guided, inter alia, by business risks that affect our clients’ ability to achieve their objectives. In this way, our audits will go side by side with clients’ needs. 

Internal audit: We provide a full range of internal audit services including: 

Operational audits. These services focus on the evaluation of the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of operations and include functional audits, organizational audits, and special audits.

Compliance audits. These services include compliance with company policies and procedures, HSE standards, contracts, and external regulations and laws. 

IT audits. These services incorporate audits on general IT controls, application controls, operating systems, IT network components, and audits of ERPs such as SAP. 

We follow an integrated approach to carrying out internal audits and consider financial, operational, compliance and IT elements.